Custom bookcase for chimney pipe made of birch plywood, by Leonoor

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Leonoor has made a beautiful and practical custom bookcase from birch plywood. The small bookcase is a clever solution to hide the chimney pipe in the attic. With cut material, you can create your own custom bookcase in a smart way.

Description by Leonoor

Next to the wardrobe, there was a chimney pipe, not so cozy in the children's room! That's why I built a bookcase from 18mm birch plywood around the pipe, where toys and books can be placed.

How I made this project

Fitting the cabinet was quite tricky because it had to be placed under the sloping roof. That's why I ordered larger shelves for the ones I had to cut at an angle. Then, I cut the angled line on-site. First, I attached the large shelf to the side to the back panel of the cabinet (just screwed, pre-drilled). Then, I placed the smaller shelves in between. I initially thought about staining the cabinet, but I actually like it better without stain, so for now, it remains as it is.

Dimensions of my DIY project

120.0 x 50.0 x 52.0 cm

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How next?

This is a project for inspiration. Because our assortment has changed, (some of) the products are no longer available.

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